issue with ap24_modphp5
Randall Badilla Castro
rbadilla at
Thu Dec 17 18:25:24 CET 2015
Hi people:
Sorry if this isn't the right place to ask/tell this problem.
I'm using Solaris 10 (x86 version) and need to install the php module
for the apache webserver.
But when issued the commands:
/opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -U
=> Fetching new catalog and descriptions
( if available ...
==> 3801 packages loaded from
[Host:web02 Zone:global]
[Time:10:16 User:root]# /opt/csw/bin/pkgutil -y -i ap24_modphp5
Solving needed dependencies ...
Package ap24_modphp5 not in catalog. Exiting.
I'm doing something wrong ??
Thanks a lot!
of course I have installed apache 2.4.x
pkginfo |grep CSW |grep apache
application CSWapache24 apache24 - A high
performance HTTP server.
and several php5 modules
application CSWphp5 php5 - A High-Level
Scripting Language
application CSWphp5-apc php5_apc - APC Extention
for PHP5
application CSWphp5-awl php5_awl - Andrew's Web
Libraries - PHP Utility Libraries
application CSWphp5-bcmath php5_bcmath - The bcmath
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-bz2 php5_bz2 - The bz2
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-calendar php5_calendar - The
calendar extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-ctype php5_ctype - The ctype
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-cups php5_cups - PHP5 bindings
for CUPS
application CSWphp5-curl php5_curl - The curl
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-dba php5_dba - The dba
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-dev php5_dev - Development
files for php5
application CSWphp5-dom php5_dom - The dom
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-exif php5_exif - The exif
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-ftp php5_ftp - The ftp
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-gd php5_gd - The gd extention
for PHP5
application CSWphp5-gettext php5_gettext - The gettext
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-gmp php5_gmp - The gmp
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-hash php5_hash - The hash
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-ibm-db2 php5_ibm_db2 - IBM DB2
Extension for PHP5
application CSWphp5-iconv php5_iconv - The iconv
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-imap php5_imap - The imap
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-json php5_json - The json
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-ldap php5_ldap - The ldap
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-mbstring php5_mbstring - The
mbstring extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-mcrypt php5_mcrypt - The mcrypt
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-memcache php5_memcache - Extention
memcache for PHP5
application CSWphp5-memcached php5_memcached - APC
Extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-mssql php5_mssql - The mssql
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-mysql php5_mysql - The mysql
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-mysqli php5_mysqli - The mysqli
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-odbc php5_odbc - The odbc
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-openssl php5_openssl - The openssl
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-pcntl php5_pcntl - The pcntl
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-pdo php5_pdo - The pdo
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-pdomysql php5_pdomysql - The
pdomysql extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-pdoodbc php5_pdoodbc - The pdoodbc
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-pdopgsql php5_pdopgsql - The
pdopgsql extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-pdosqlite php5_pdosqlite - The
pdosqlite extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-pgsql php5_pgsql - The pgsql
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-posix php5_posix - The posix
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-pspell php5_pspell - The pspell
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-readline php5_readline - The
readline extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-session php5_session - The session
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-shmop php5_shmop - The shmop
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-snmp php5_snmp - The snmp
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-soap php5_soap - The soap
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-sockets php5_sockets - The sockets
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-sqlite php5_sqlite - The sqlite
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-sysvmsg php5_sysvmsg - The sysvmsg
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-sysvsem php5_sysvsem - The sysvsem
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-sysvshm php5_sysvshm - The sysvshm
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-tidy php5_tidy - The tidy
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-tokenizer php5_tokenizer - The
tokenizer extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-wddx php5_wddx - The wddx
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-xapian php5_xapian - Xapian
bindings for PHP 5
application CSWphp5-xmlreader php5_xmlreader - The
xmlreader extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-xmlrpc php5_xmlrpc - The xmlrpc
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-xmlwriter php5_xmlwriter - The
xmlwriter extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-xsl php5_xsl - The xsl
extention for PHP5
application CSWphp5-zip php5_zip - The zip
extention for PHP5
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