[csw-devel] Next build farm...

Dagobert Michelsen dam at opencsw.org
Wed Nov 19 12:06:56 CET 2008

Hi William,

Am 19.11.2008 um 11:38 schrieb William Bonnet:
>> Did you manage to bring Solaris 8 x86 on that machine? I tried
>> installing it on a v65z and failed. Nowadays it is quite hard
>> to find a machine capable of running Solaris 8 x86.
> I am thinking about installing something ike VMWare ESX server then  
> Sol
> 8 and 10 in VM.

Solaris 8 x86 won't run on ESX as the needed SCSI driver is not

> Other solution is to use Sun xVM server.

Interesting. Have you done anything in this direction?

> But it will
> available only at the beginning of 2009 in final version. I'll let you
> knw about this.

>> Let me know when you need the account informations and ssh-keys.
>> Or do we want to go with LDAP right from the start?
> Since we already have a backup farm, it might be intersting to use  
> this
> installation to setup the ldap back end, and open it for use only when
> the target architecture will be ready. Once installed and setup
> modification will be more difficult to do. So better use it to make  
> test
> when we can. What about this ?

Sounds good. Set up your farm with LDAP, make it active
than switch over the bo- and go-farms to use the LDAP on
your (wb?) farm.

Best regards

   -- Dao

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