[csw-maintainers] Subversion on bender

Philip Brown phil at bolthole.com
Fri Jul 24 20:24:21 CEST 2009

On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 02:00:26PM -0400, Ben Walton wrote:
> Excerpts from Philip Brown's message of Fri Jul 24 11:57:01 -0400 2009:
> > "i propose" that only people who are actively doing web source code work,
> > get to vote on what the VCS for  web server work is.
> How are you defining 'actively'?  Mike has (as you mentioned) made
> previous contributions.  He seems like a good candidate for a 'vote'
> to me.

i agree.  I was just proactively trying to avoid the situation where
everyone decides to put in their oar just because they see the word "vote"
from Mike.

>  Just because someone
> isn't personally contributing right this minute doesn't mean they
> won't in the future.

experience has shown the opposite.

Or do you go by the ideal that EVERYONE in the public at large, should get
"a vote" on ALL opencsw issues?
Because after all, "just because they arent personally contributing right
this minute, doesnt mean they won't in the future".

 To put it another way... it seems a common piece of human nature, that
most people would rather tell other people how to work, than do work
themselves. Those "most people" arent entitled to a vote in how the workers
actually gets things done.

everyone is entitled to an opinion, and to even express that opinion. but
not everyone is entitled to a *vote* on such matters. non-workers have no
right _telling_ workers (especialy volunteer workers) how they are going to 

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