Should OpenCSW joining the software patent non-aggression community?

Peter FELECAN pfelecan at
Wed May 7 19:24:55 CEST 2014

Peter Bonivart <bonivart at> writes:

> On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 7:52 PM, Peter FELECAN <pfelecan at> wrote:
>> Dear maintainers and members of the foundation,
>> We are invited by Valer Mischenkoto join The Open Invention Network, a
>> community of software patent non-aggression.
>> You can read about this at
>> I'm asking you, on the behalf of the foundation'sboard, if you wish to
>> join this community.
>> Please read and, if needed, discuss it on this list. If there is a need,
>> we can organize a vote. If, however, in a reasonable lapse of time,
>> lets say 4 week, there is no opposition or a request for vote, I will
>> make the necessary to join the OIN.
>>From what I can see it's about Linux, how does it apply to us?


You'll find bellow the answers to my questions that Valer kindly
answered. The second point answers your question. If you have specific
question do not hesitate to ask him and, if needed, share with us.

Valer Mischenko <vmischenko at> writes:

> 1. The foundation doesn't have any patents.

The vast majority of the participants have no patents. This is not a
requirement for participation. For most participants it is often symbolic.

> 2. The Foundation is not Linux related.

Historically we call it the Linux system. But its much more now than Linux
only. We gradually try to make the definition of "the Linux system" broader
and broader. Now it is spanning from eCommerce to PHP to Biometric
Portfolio, and eventually will span to many other fields. In total there
are more that 2200 software packages.

We will not stop until we cover the whole open source field. Before that we
keep doing this monks' work of gathering more projects and organizations
around the initiative to acquire the mass needed among others for being
able to influence the legislation. And get gravity which will hopefully
attract all of open source.

> 3. When you say "not to use pattents aggresively" I would say "not to
>    use patents". Period.

Personally I am the same anti-patent type as you. But from our mission
point of view we do not want to exclude anybody. We'd better have everybody
sign the non-aggression pledge, with or without patents, than divide the
world in two camps - pro-patent and anti-patent, as such division would
lead to even more wars. However, when everybody pledges peace around open
source we will finally have freedom to innovate without the fear to be
attacked by trolls or monopolists in the market. This is a practical and
realisable approach contrary to "praying against patents and hoping that
they will eventually disappear".

As to the patents in general. Well, you may see that from this point: When
we free open source, whether software or hardware, from aggression, people
will be able to innovate at faster pace. This will attract more creative
people to open source and will let open source at a certain moment take

That's a nice goal, but we are not able to achieve it on our own, without
your help, without the help of others who want to set innovation free.


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