[csw-buildfarm] [csw-maintainers] keychain on the buildfarm

Dagobert Michelsen dam at opencsw.org
Fri Mar 27 11:51:14 CET 2009

Hi Maciej,

Am 27.03.2009 um 11:29 schrieb Maciej (Matchek) Blizinski:
> I've recently built keychain package; it's in testing.

After some ugly things happening when non-released packages
got installed on the farm I promised to install only released
packages. Just push it out and I install it ASAP.

> Would buildfarm
> maintainers mind installing it? I could then protect my password on
> login.opencsw.org with a password.

No problem, but please email to
   buildfarm at lists.opencsw.org
next time as there are other people on that list, possibly not
subscribed to maintainers at .

Best regards

   -- Dago

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