[cfarm-admins] Request increase in swap on gcc211

Baptiste Jonglez baptiste at bitsofnetworks.org
Mon Mar 14 09:26:19 CET 2022


Thanks for the report.  We are not able to monitor this machine with
munin (displayed on https://cfarm.tetaneutral.net/machines/list/ ), so we
are very likely to miss such issues.

I am adding the OpenCSW admins, maybe they have an idea on how to debug
memory issues on Solaris?  Could this be a memory leak, and is it possible
to increase the swap size on gcc211?


On 13-03-22, Daniel Widdis via cfarm-admins wrote:
> I’ve been debugging some (java) build failures on gcc211 for a while and finally figured out they’re all associated with running out of memory.
> gcc211 is running at its memory limit but has a rather small swap file.
> Calculations from my code: 
> Physical Memory Available: 1.9 GiB/31.4 GiB
> Swap File In Use/Max=2 GiB/2 GiB
> Virtual Memory In Use/Max=31.5 GiB/33.4 GiB
> oshi at gcc-solaris11:~/git/oshi$ kstat -n system_pages
> module: unix                            instance: 0     
> name:   system_pages                    class:    pages
>         availrmem                       262822
>         freemem                         305788
>         pagesfree                       305788
>         pagestotal                      4117635
>         physmem                         4117919
> oshi at gcc-solaris11:~/git/oshi$ swap -lh
> swapfile  dev            swaplo      blocks        free
> /dev/swap -                  8K        2.0G          0K
> Any chance we can make the swap file a little bit bigger?

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