[csw-devel] Atom feed with releases to unstable

Maciej BliziƄski maciej at opencsw.org
Sat Mar 19 12:12:22 CET 2011

Hey guys,

You all know about the catalog notifier I wrote[1].

It downloads catalogs from HTTP, parses them, compares to previous
versions, and sends e-mail notifications.  It's great for people to
get feedback about their packages being published, but it doesn't help
other people know about the published packages.

I'm thinking about something like this feed:


...but generated from data available via HTTP, for both opencsw and
opencsw-future catalogs.

Implementing the atom feed would require setting up a new feed served
by http, and a glue code between the catalog notifier and the feed
data backend (e.g. mysql).

I think it's a reasonably sized self-contained task that another
person could take on, and learn about the new infrastructure.  I'll
offer all the help and guidance I can.  Would anyone like to implement
that feed?


[1] http://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/gar/browser/csw/mgar/gar/v2/lib/python/catalog_notifier.py

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