[csw-devel] Patch for MySQL 5.5 recipe

Laurent Blume laurent at elanor.org
Fri Aug 24 16:51:50 CEST 2012

Hello all, Maciej,

I've prepared some patches for the build recipe of MySQL 5.5. I've 
tested them on my own system, they seem to work.
I've tried to make them easy to apply in that order from the mysql-5.5.x 
directory, please tell me if I could do better.

They are:
01_: make gsed replace all occurrences of @xxx@ on a given line. I feel 
it should be always like that, though it only impacts my patch 05_ so far;

02_: remove the automatic start of the service at the end of the 
install. It should be handled by the CAS;

03_: minor fixes in the start scrip: fixes the default datadir, cosmetic 
changes to the comments;

04_: replace the chkconfig bit of the comment by CAS information;

05_: that's a new feature: I've added a few lines to start MySQL in 32 
or 64 bit automatically according to what the kernel supports (default), 
or to a configuration value in csw.conf. This makes it much easier to 
have an optimized MySQL running.

Comments, thoughts?


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