[csw-devel] Patch for MySQL 5.5 recipe

Ben Walton bwalton at opencsw.org
Fri Aug 24 19:34:53 CEST 2012

Excerpts from Laurent Blume's message of Fri Aug 24 10:51:50 -0400 2012:

Hi Laurent,

> 01_: make gsed replace all occurrences of @xxx@ on a given line. I
> feel it should be always like that, though it only impacts my patch
> 05_ so far;

This looks good and I think should be the default for this type of
operation as you suggest.  autoconf scripts use global replace so
we're following that lead, which makes sense to me.

> 02_: remove the automatic start of the service at the end of the 
> install. It should be handled by the CAS;

+1.  This is a good fix.

> 03_: minor fixes in the start scrip: fixes the default datadir,
> cosmetic changes to the comments;

+1.  Looks good.

> 04_: replace the chkconfig bit of the comment by CAS information;

+1.  This also looks obviously correct.  It's probably good form to
put the RC_ stuff there still but this is a solaris 10 only (I think?)
package so those are really only a formality.  They don't hurt
anything though so I'd leave them in.

> 05_: that's a new feature: I've added a few lines to start MySQL in
> 32 or 64 bit automatically according to what the kernel supports
> (default), or to a configuration value in csw.conf. This makes it
> much easier to have an optimized MySQL running.

Do we still care to check /opt/csw/etc/csw.conf too?  I'm ok with
leaving that behind but there are sites that might use it.  All of our
CAS scripts check both locations too (/opt/csw/etc and then
/etc/opt/csw to give local preference over possibly NFS-shared).

Other than that, it looks sound to me.  Thanks for sharing this!

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

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