[csw-maintainers] libpango 1.24 Problems ?

William Bonnet william at wbonnet.net
Thu Jul 2 12:24:49 CEST 2009

Hi Nicolai

Does the following file exist ?


if not please run

/opt/csw/bin/pango-querymodules > /opt/csw/etc/pango/pango.modules

This issue is under fixing...

> Starting with libpango-1.24.3,REV=2009.06.27 the content of i.e. 
> windowtitles get garbled. Using xfce4 as a windowmanager gives
> you only empty squares where gtk normaly would put text.
> This happens on a system with a plain csw-install, but also 
> on a test machine where I upgrade some packages by hand like libconv-1.13,
> xfce4.6.
> Am I doing something wrong ? Or is this fixed by upgrading to versions from 
> testing ?
> Nicolai
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