[csw-maintainers] libpango 1.24 Problems ?

Nicolai Schwindt schwindt at dfki.uni-kl.de
Fri Jul 3 10:40:37 CEST 2009

> Hi Nicolai
> Does the following file exist ?
> /opt/csw/etc/pango/pango.modules

Not existsing
> if not please run
> /opt/csw/bin/pango-querymodules > /opt/csw/etc/pango/pango.modules

Did that - file was created successfull - did not change anything.
> This issue is under fixing...

The problem is : I am running on an U24 which is 64-bit this triggers
pango-querymodules to generate a list of the 64-bit modules.
Starting xfce which is only available as 32-bit loads libpango in 32-bit.
This one falls flat on the face.

It seems there is the need for separate pangorc files containing the correct
definition of ModulesFiles and AliasFiles.

This implies each and every other package that uses pango must have both
32 and 64 bit versions. The other solution was having a wrapper for each
executable setting the correct environment.

I did not look into the source of pango for a while, is there any chance
of patching pango to hardcode PANGO_RC_FILE=/opt/csw/etc/pangorc{32,64} into
it ?

BTW: afaik pixbuf-loader is the same pain in the arse


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