[csw-maintainers] cswclassutils/initsmf defaults

Peter Bonivart bonivart at opencsw.org
Sun Oct 11 20:40:29 CEST 2009

I'm glad many of you use the cswclassutils package but I notice that
you often specify the defaults in the init script you provide.

These are the defaults and they do not need to be specified:

#RC_KNUM 20         # Number used for kill script symlink, e.g. K20cswfoo
#RC_SNUM 80         # Number used for start script symlink, e.g. S80cswfoo
#RC_KLEV 0,1,2,S    # Run levels that should have a kill script symlink
#RC_SLEV 3          # Run levels that should have a start script symlink
#FMRI network       # FMRI path for service (S10+), default is /network.
#                            # Changing the value here, yields a
generated FMRI of
#                            # "svc:/somethingelse/cswfoo:default"
#AUTOENABLE yes     # If set to no will not enable service regardless of
#                     local csw.conf, use when a package needs setup before
#                     being useful, would otherwise leave service in
#                     maintenance mode
#MANIFEST /absolute/path/to/manifest   # If set, use this manifest instead
#                     of autogenerating one (default)

You only need to specify those options where you want something
different than the default. It's of course (technically) OK to specify
the defaults anyway if you think it makes it more clear.

Wiki: http://wiki.opencsw.org/cswclassutils-package


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