[csw-maintainers] clean without cleaning the downloaded file, unpackaged file ?

Dagobert Michelsen dam at opencsw.org
Fri Jan 1 14:54:03 CET 2010

Hi Rupert,

Am 31.12.2009 um 19:04 schrieb rupert THURNER:
> how can the build result can be cleaned without deleting the
> downloaded file,

This is not a problem as you should do a
   gmake garchive
which archives the downladed sources to /home/src and grabs it from
there at download time.

> or maybe even avoiding unzipping it again? i try to
> build qt4 as base for kde4, and the download is more than 100 mb.

For this kind there is no special target. I would recommend to just
gmake clean && gmake again after you tweak args.

> as i got an error on build8s, i also tried to build on build10s, and i
> am wondering if it is correct that it says "sparvc8":
> rupert at build10s:~/mgar/pkg/qt4/trunk
> $ gmake package
> gar/gar.pkg.mk:682: *** You are building this package on a
> non-requested platform host 'build10s'. The follow platforms were
> requested:
> gar/gar.pkg.mk:682: *** - solaris8-sparc to be build on host 'build8s'

Yes. Because the default build hosts for Sparc are on Solaris 8 only:
If you want to build on another Solaris release you have to adjust
PACKAGING_PLATFORMS. Just grep for this in the Makefiles for examples.

Best regards

   -- Dago

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