[csw-maintainers] Sendmail question

Jeffery Small jeff at cjsa.com
Mon May 9 09:13:16 CEST 2011

I see that Alex Moore (Retired) is listed as the cswsendmail maintainer.
As he is not available, I wanted to see if anyone here had some insight
into a an aspect of how sendmail operates that I am finding confusing.  I'm
running Solaris 10 on a SPARC server with the current CSW sendmail version

The problem I am seeing is that some mail scheduled for local delivery gets
placed in the /opt/csw/var/spool/clientmqueue directory and then waits
there for a long period before being delivered.  The following services and
processes are running:

% svcs | grep sendmail
online         23:31:39 svc:/network/smtp:cswsendmail

% sps -A | grep sendmail
root   22888 sendmail: accepting connections
smmsp  22885 sendmail: Queue runner at 00:15:00 for /opt/csw/var/spool/clientmqueue


% cat /opt/csw/var/spool/clientmqueue/sm-client.pid
/opt/csw/lib/sendmail -L sm-msp -Ac -q15m

The mail files appear to be sitting in /opt/csw/var/spool/clientmqueue for
up to 15 minutes due to the -q15m option.  I want to speed up delivery, but
I am unsure where to set this.  In the sendmail book I cannot seem to find
any sendmail configuration option to modify the *.mc file and subsequent
sendmail.cf.  The script which fires off the processes is located at
/opt/csw/lib/svc/method/svc-sendmail and contains the following section:

    if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
    if echo $1 | egrep '^([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*[smhdw])+$' >/dev/null 2>&1; then

Now, I can change the default value here, but I really don't want to edit
this file since it will likely be overwritten every time the sendmail
package is updated.

Prior to the Solaris 10 switch to services, I knew what to do, but now
it is a bit of a mystery.  So does anyone know what the factory approved
method of resetting this queue is?

Thanks for any insights.


C. Jeffery Small           CJSA LLC                       206-232-3338
jeff at cjsa.com              7000 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island, WA  98040

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