[csw-maintainers] catalog fun

Maciej BliziƄski maciej at opencsw.org
Sun Sep 4 09:40:41 CEST 2011

2011/9/2 Ben Walton <bwalton at opencsw.org>:
> Old catalog:
> perl/CSWperl
> pm_dbd_sqlite/CSWpm-dbd-sqlite -> CSWperl, CSWpmdbi
> pm_dbi_stub/CSWpmdbi -> CSWperl, CSWpm-dbi
> pm_dbi/CSWpm-dbi -> CSWperl
> New catalog:
> perl/CSWperl
> pm_dbd_sqlite/CSWpm-dbd-sqlite -> CSWperl,CSWpmdbi
> pm_dbi2/CSWpmdbi -> CSWperl, CSWpm-dbi

Right, this in fact has become "pm_dbi2" while it was "pm_dbi_stub".

> pm_dbi/CSWpm-dbi -> CSWperl
> This is a technically valid catalog as all dependencies are met
> (chkcat should be happy).  I'm currently detecting this as a "Silent
> Name Change."  This is an instance of 'un-stubbing' which I think
> should be considered an error.  What do others think?

In general, is catalogname change with no pkgname change an error?

> In this specific case, was the name change intentional?  It looks a
> bit funny to me to start calling CSWpmdbi pm_dbi2 (version number is
> 1.616) all of a sudden after stubbing it out.  Can someone provide
> insight on this?

I vaguely remember that a more complicated rename case required you to
change the catalogname where you didn't want to, and that the number 2
was used.  I don't recall the specifics, it was something like two
renames of the same package.


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