[csw-maintainers] progress report

Ben Walton bwalton at opencsw.org
Sun Jan 15 20:24:26 CET 2012

Excerpts from Maciej (Matchek) BliziƄski's message of Sun Jan 15 07:21:44 -0500 2012:
> 2011/7/20 Ben Walton <bwalton at opencsw.org>:
> > The code is in a git repository:
> > gitosis at mirror.opencsw.org:cswsign.git
> >
> > We don't have gitweb enabled there, but if you want access, I'll add
> > your public key so you can check it out.  We could host this in the
> > github/opencsw framework that Rupert has been working on if that's
> > considered better (likely).
> I would vote for hosting it in a way that is accessible from outside
> the buildfarm. I often do coding locally to avoid network lag in an
> interactive session, I also have faster cores available locally. We
> can do onsite / internal backups, but as far as usability is
> concerned, but this doesn't mean we can't use a solution which is
> easy in a day-to-day use.

If we open the required ports from mirror.opencsw.org (ssh, maybe
git), this can be accessible off-buildfarm.  It could also be rolled
into the svn tree (Peter F's preference iirc).

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer - CHASS
University of Toronto
C:416.407.5610 | W:416.978.4302

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