[csw-maintainers] albumshaper removal

Maciej (Matchek) BliziƄski maciej at opencsw.org
Tue Nov 13 01:27:42 CET 2012

2012/11/13 Peter Bonivart <bonivart at opencsw.org>:
> I think your response to Dago's request implied a significant change
> in what it means to be a maintainer. Then Ben said nothing has
> changed. Now you also say nothing has changed but the text above to me
> looks like you and some others at camp think that packages are now
> locked to maintainers and that is something negative, I'm still
> curious about what you mean by that? I don't mind a minor change in
> wording, but you do say above that it's part of a change, as in more
> is to come. What would that be?

It's got mostly to do with new maintainers, or people who could become
maintainers. We already have the culture of courtesy non-maintainer
package uploads, but it's not visible on the outside, for example on
the website. There is certain attachment of a package to its
maintainer, but it's not as strong as it used to appear on the package
pages. The new wording ("Last uploaded by") sends a better message.

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