Your script

Maciej (Matchek) Bliziński maciej at
Mon Apr 21 23:43:43 CEST 2014

2014-04-21 22:26 GMT+01:00 Dagobert Michelsen <dam at>:
> I also keep thinking that it
> would be nice to have a dedicated place for the changelog per package in an
> easy-to-parse format (probably in ReST/Markdown?) which could be displayed
> on pkgutil -u (store the previous changelog before removal and diff to the
> newly installed one). Also Catalog changediffs could be generated that way.

I'm not super familiar with the changelog files, but they seem to have
a well defined format, so we should first look if there already are
parsers. So it might be fine to keep the regular changelog format, and
use a parser whenever we want to process the data. Checking if the
changelog syntax is correct can be part of package checking.

I also had this idea that instead of using VERSION in the Makefile, we
could take the latest version from changelog:

VERSION = $(call extract_version_from_changelog)

The idea is not mine, it's stolen from Debian, as usual. :)


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