Python coding project: csw-upload-pkg logic issues

Maciej (Matchek) BliziƄski maciej at
Mon Mar 17 22:38:36 CET 2014

If you upload a set of packages for 1 Solaris release only, all is good. If
you upload with something like "csw-upload-pkg * " and in your set of
packages there is a mix of 5.9 and 5.10 packages, the uploader will doubly
assign packages to 5.10 and 5.11 catalogs.

This logic needs to be corrected. This link points to the specific place of
code with a comment describing the issue and suggests which way to go:

There is also a set of tests:

As usual, I'm offering advice and code reviews; if you mail me your patch
before committing, I'll reply with a review.

It's easy to test your changes, you just modify the file in your buildtree
(~/opencsw/.buildsys) and run it.

Or you can rewrite the whole thing in Perl. ;-)

Any takers?

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