gnutls dependency

Riccardo Mottola rmottola at
Fri May 9 02:07:10 CEST 2014


I am working on my makefile making progress, I need gnutls:

checking for libgnutls-config... no
checking for libgnutls - version >= 1.4.0... no
*** The libgnutls-config script installed by libgnutls could not be found
*** If libtgnuls-config was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in
*** your path.

You do not appear to have usable libgnutls headers/library.
Building without them will disable SSL/TLS/HTTPS in NSStream,

In my makefile I specified:

BUILD_DEP_PKGS = CSWgmake CSWgcc4objc CSWlibgnutls-dev CSWlibffi-dev
DEP_PKGS = CSWgnustep-make CSWlibgnutls28 CSWlibssl1-0-0 CSWlibffi5

I fear that the "-config" is missing or not found. pkg-config?

When I did it by hand the same package outside mgar I did:
   $ ./configure LDFLAGS=-L/opt/csw/lib -R/opt/csw/lib 
-L/opt/csw/lib/ffi -R/opt/csw/lib/ffi CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/csw/include

most of it should be handled by $DIRPATHS I hope!


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