OpenCSW catalog update report

Riccardo Mottola rmottola at
Thu Aug 6 23:12:52 CEST 2015


Dagobert Michelsen ha scritto:

> I can understand that you are unhappy with packages just taken over
> as other maintainers also would be. Probably Riccardo got the impression
> that just foreign pushingis not that bad because he had some of my packages
> in the past an I am pretty glad to give away packages.

Well, yes, excatly. I did not intend to "take overy" anything, nor get 
the glory for other packages. At most, it is a burden.

> That having said I kindly ask everyone to act as a team, the projects
> needs all contributors to work together now more than ever and make the
> best use of the few resources we have.

It all began with an attempt to just "rebuild" due to changed 
dependencies. I thought that such updates were ok: the problem is that 
there was more need to update than initially planned.

I'll ask the list before certain changes: the next package which I want 
to rebuild is cairo and generally we have other packages depending on 
linpng16 and the split of the -dev package: that rebuild was never 
really done and just more (or less) fixed. At leat that's how I think 
the state is.


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