svg problem during cairo build

Laurent Blume laurent at
Tue Jun 30 10:19:50 CEST 2015

Le 2015/06/27 11:25 +0200, Claudio Ramirez a écrit:
> This is interesting!
> I hear a lot of people that discarded Solaris talk positively about
> FreeBSD because it already has ZFS and Linux have not. I had the
> impression the project was on a side track and that all the Linux people
> put theirs chips on brtfs. Good to be wrong, I really miss the ZFS
> experience (with the exception of the binary magic in /etc) when working
> on Linux.

«Linux people» doesn't mean much, it's not a single entity, right? But
truly, distros are pushing btrfs, because it's politically safer. And at
some point, it will probably become good enough.
ZFS on Linux works well enough, but it's still not for the faint of
heart, and you'll need to make sure you can devote the needed amount of
skill and resources to it. It's still somewhat tricky, behaves
differently on different distros, the odd bugs seep in, and AFAICT,
there's no paid support for it yet (and maybe never considering the FUD
around it).
So, good for my data at home, but I can't use it at work.


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