default python version and vim

Oliver Kiddle opk at
Wed Nov 2 11:15:59 CET 2016

On my systems, I got rid of python 2.6 completely because 2.7 was needed
and I wanted to avoid having more than one python. In order to do this,
I had to rebuild vim against python 2.7 instead of 2.6 because it has a
python dependency.

I'm about to prepare to upgrade opencsw on all the systems where I
work again and notice that the vim package has fallen behind with
the last build being from a year ago. Has it been held back for a
specific reason such as build issues with newer vim or is just waiting
for someone to get around to it?

Would it perhaps make sense for python 2.7 to be the default more
widely? Does that require much work? Modules wouldn't need rebuilding
so it'd just be things like vim and perhaps they could be done
incrementally? Are there particular things that still need 2.6?



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