[csw-users] "Proper" syntax highlighting with VIM?

Cory Omand comand at blastwave.org
Tue Mar 1 23:13:16 CET 2005

On Tue, 2005-03-01 at 13:36, John Tobin wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 01, 2005 at 02:07:13PM -0500, Luke Youngblood wrote:
> > 
> > Why is it that with the same terminal (PuTTY over SSH), same settings, I get
> > only bold and underline text on a Solaris box, but my Redhat box will give
> > me full color syntax highlighting?
> Check the value of $TERM - it should be set to xterm-color.  I _think_
> that the standard Linux terminfo database assumes that xterm can handle
> colour, whereas Solaris' terminfo doesn't.  You could also export
> TERMINFO="/opt/csw/share/terminfo" so that programs will use the more up
> to date Blastwave terminfo database.

Alternately, you can override the term setting in your ~/.vimrc:

if &term =~ 'xterm'
    set term=xterm-xfree86

" Turn on syntax highlighting for color terms
if has('syntax') && (&t_Co > 2)
    syntax on
    colorscheme default


Cory Omand <comand at blastwave.org>

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