[csw-maintainers] Further improvements to our website

Maciej Bliziński maciej at opencsw.org
Fri May 27 00:07:58 CEST 2011

Hi William and others,

I did a review of our homepage at the SEO angle.  I used an extension
for Chrome, which analyzed the page and offered a couple of

- http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A//www.opencsw.org/ shows 64
HTML errors
- http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A//www.opencsw.org/
shows 37 CSS errors
- description meta tag is missing
- keywords meta tag is missing (not that important, but it wouldn't
hurt to put "solaris packages" in there)
- no entry in the DMOZ directory

Let's look at our website again and see which ones we can easily fix.
William, do you accept volunteers who would like to work with the
website?  If so, could you provide hints, as to where to start and how
to contribute?  Thanks!

In the meantime, when searching for "solaris packages" in Chrome in
the incognito mode (no cookies), I see our website on the 10th place,
which means: The first result page! Good job everyone!


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