svg problem during cairo build

Ben Walton bwalton at
Fri Jun 26 11:39:56 CEST 2015

On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 10:12 AM Peter FELECAN <pfelecan at> wrote:

> Dagobert Michelsen <dam at> writes:
> > Even minor version bumps turn out to be porting projects
> > lately. Please read my analysis about the problem at
> >
> Dago's analysis is so right, as usual. Some core open source projects
> advance with such a speed that we, as a small community, small in
> contrast to Debian or similar, have much difficulties to follow.
> As an aside, this is why, I think more and more that, the road that
> Nexenta had taken, to use Debian packaging tools on Solaris is the one
> with the most momentum. Using the Solaris kernel and inner core tools,
> such as ZFS, zones, &c, with the Debian user space. However, even this
> road is not a smooth one as the biggest part of the open source projects
> are geared toward GNU/Linux. with its idiosyncrasies, and portability is
> less and less taken care of.

...And personally, I think that it won't be long before ZFS is the only
Solaris-native high point that Linux lacks a production ready counterpart
for. Things like Docker and Kubernetes (or even systemd generic
containerization) are adding polish to linux cgroups which position them
such that they're a good enough replacement for zones (and better in some
ways). Kubernetes, takes the concept beyond the single machine and afaik,
solaris has no answer for that right now.

While I'd love to see BtrFS mature to the point where it's production
ready, I don't see that happening any time soon...I'm using ZFS-on-Linux at
home because it's more trustworthy.

> To come back to the original subject, when packaging for a project such
> as Cairo, is quite nominal to encounter issues which arise from the
> porting side, not only of the project itself but also from the near to
> far environment.
> --
> Peter
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