[csw-users] Installation of ncurses partially failed

Robert Krzaczek krz at cis.rit.edu
Wed Jul 4 01:56:26 CEST 2007

On Jul 2, 2007, at 10:32 AM, James Lee wrote:
> What else might have cause [/opt/csw/lib/terminfo] to be a directory?
> [ ... ]
> I suspect CSWmlterm.

No, I don't believe CSWmlterm to be the culprit.  It references and  
uses .../share/terminfo but not .../lib/terminfo.

On the other hand, scrutinizing CSWmlterm has turned up a very minor  
glitch in its space file; thanks for causing me to find that.

But I think, in making .../lib/terminfo into a directory on Gérard  
Henry's system, the cause lies elsewhere.

	: chapman; grep lib.terminfo CSWmlterm/p*
	: chapman; grep lib.terminfo CSWmlterm/i*/*
	CSWmlterm/install/space:share/lib/terminfo 8 1

I might guess that I had made a similar confusion between the paths  
previously, but when cleaned up, I typo'd the space file.  The typo  
isn't for .../lib/terminfo, but for a non-existent .../share/lib/ 
terminfo.  It should not break any installations, but I will clean it  
up for a future release.


Bob Krzaczek, Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science, RIT
phone +1-585-4757196, email krz at cis.rit.edu, icbm 43.0848N 77.6789W

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